"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attraction."
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attraction.” Albert Einstein
I saw this quote on a store window while walking and thought, there is inspiration everywhere if we are tuned into receiving it. But life’s path is sometimes like a transistor radio that has static until you find the right channel.
Funny when you expect to see it and tuned in, the positive signs are everywhere. Chance meetings, quotes that inspire, new friends and new directions or signs beckoning us to turn this way or that. Personally speaking, I know I have had enough dead ends even against warnings from caring well-intentioned individuals in my life.
Isn’t it time to listen to the voice within?
I can say with absolute surety that every time I went against my gut I went on a detour and compromised my values. Some had repercussions that lasted for years. But lo and behold, there’s a sign telling me to use my imagination and it is the preview of life's coming attraction in my life.
Will I believe it or fall back to the negative?
Where will your imagination take you?
What step could you take that will bring you one step closer to a dream come true, a job you desire, a new path?
How about a trip you have always wanted to go on because you know in your heart of hearts the perspective alone will be enlightening and new like the sign in the window.
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attraction.”
Thank you for your inspiration Albert!