Dwell in Possibility

"It's a daily diet of bad news; it's like we're hungry for the blues, any day we can choose; to live above mediocrity, and dwell in possibility." I wrote these lyrics a while ago, and they are as pertinent today as when I wrote them.  Who doesn't need peace now? When the world seems to be coming undone, as if the pandemic was not enough, we are again in a dividing place, or are we?

The better question is, where is our focus, the past which we cannot change or the future that unfolds one moment at a time?

With each moment, a choice, to choose love and forgiveness. Or drink the poison of hate in gulps of burning anger with every TV or radio broadcast filled with rhetoric, failed policy, and speculation? I love myself too much to put myself on a daily diet of bad news. By no means am I saying to not be in the know, I am asking us to consider choosing love. I have been dwelling on a verse in the Bible, Philippians 4:13, "Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.

Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Focusing on every wrong injustice is not healthy for anyone. Every minute of the day, they happen to someone; it is the imperfect world we live in, filled with imperfect people, and no one escapes this reality. When injustice sweeps our souls bare, I hope to remember every moment we have the choice to do right instead of wrong, choosing to never live under the circumstances. Where is my confidence, surely not in another person?

It is in my God, the author of peace, and the only place from which love and forgiveness can flow. Every human being is energy, but, like a battery in a car, there is positive and negative. Constantly tuning in the negative only creates negative energy, a lower frequency if you will. Wouldn't it be fair to say that tuning into the higher frequency of love where possibility abounds would be the opposite, producing peace?

If love is my dwelling place, then it stands to reasons my actions would operate from a place of love. Sounds so simple, maybe it is?

Where is your dwelling place?

What's your daily diet?